Episode 44

Published on:

4th Dec 2021

SWASS 12: Boss Mos

Back in Easthaven the SWASSers show their new friend Faeranduil around. Things are a bit hectic and many things require the group's attention around the small town. Over the course of working out all of these issues Aris's lady friend asks the group to go out and get some powerful moss.

She apparently needs it so she can make Aris some performance enhancing potions. Not wanting to pry into Aris's private life, the group agrees as long as he doesn't explain too much!

Faeranduil Chaedove - Peace loving Priest of Chillax

Terry - Human Barbarian Wrestler

Norlan - Drow Fighter/Assassin

Aris - Human Wizard Evocation specialist

Sterling - Human Rogue crossbow master

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About the Podcast

Goblins Gaming
The Goblin Beat Podcast
The Goblin Beat creates Actual Play RPG podcast episodes for Dungeons & Dragons (dnd) as well as Delta Green, Savage Worlds, Fate and others. We also do interviews and gaming related podcast episodes.
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Jonathan Baker

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Danny Hatcher

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